by Heather | Apr 17, 2018 | Diet, Health and Wellness, hormone balance, nutritionist melbourne, wellness, womens health
In a world where we seem to have less time on our hands than ever before, our desire for quick, convenient food options (and even quick fixes to weight loss) is on the rise. The food and diet industry have answered the call by providing an array of meal...
by Heather | Feb 14, 2017 | Diet, Health and Wellness, Nutrition
So, did you know Meatless Monday was an actual thing? Despite having used the phrase and integrated it into many a week (and many an Instagram post), I didn’t know that there was an actual, official initiative created in 2003 by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of...
by Heather | Feb 13, 2017 | Cultivating Wellness, Diet, Health and Wellness, Nutrition
As a nutritionist, I’m excited that nutrition has become something so many are interested in—it means more people are tuning into their bodies and their choices to improve their health and wellbeing and that’s a great thing! The downside to all this...
by Heather | Sep 19, 2016 | General
Something about September makes me yearn for a stateside Autumn despite the fact I’m in the midst of Spring in Australia. Maybe it’s because my visits there have coincided with the end of summer where the nights are just beginning to cool and the smell of...
by Heather | Jul 14, 2016 | Cultivating Wellness, General
GLUTEN. It’s practically a pariah in the nutritional world these days, with more and more people shunning gluten from their everyday lives. Many believe it to be a cure-all treatment for healthier digestion, glowing skin, mental acuity and a myriad of other concerns....